1941 Veronica Lake Portrait This print retains the incredible resolution and clarity found in large format negatives maintaining true-life skin texture and ultra-fine detail in the hair and eyes. The Interneg used for this print had a Kodak notch code on the original negative corresponding to Kodachrome Type B (tungsten) manufactured from 1939 to 1949 and an additional notch code corresponding to Kadok Vericolor Internegative Film. While the photographer of this print may never be definitively identified there are significant clues available to who released the shutter. Life Magazine published an article on Veronica Lake in its November 24th, 1941 edition. The dress, makeup, and room décor in the Life spread was identical to those used for this photo. The credit for the Life photo was assigned to Bob Landry. Landry was famous for his WWII photography but his greatest fame came from a photo of Rita Hayworth that won the hearts of American soldiers everywhere. The interneg was digitized using a high-resolution drum scanner. The blue curtain was added to highlight the eyes and to cover over a part of the original background that distracted from the primary image. The orginial work is considered in the public domain in that it was published in the United States between 1923 and 1977 and without a copyright notice. Derivative work is copyrighted and its use is not permitted wtihout written consent from rlafoto. This print is possibly the best color photo of V. Lake in existence! MORE...